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Balloon & Wine Festival Wins CalFest Awards

The Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival gained two more first place Celebration Awards for the 2016 event at the California/Nevada Festivals and Events Association (CalFest) Convention January 20, 2017.   The first place awards were for “Best Digital Marketing Campaign” and “Best Press Kit.”

Celebration Awards are given each year to events for outstanding accomplishments in a variety of areas. Over 200 members belong to the organization including cities, chambers of commerce and fairs.  Collectively the organization represents more than 4,000 events in California and Nevada. Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival competes against events like the Gilroy Garlic Festival and the Sausalito Art Festival.

Andrea Jacobson, the Festival’s executive director, presented a workshop on Event Websites during the Calfest convention. Utilizing her experience in the design process of the new 2016 Festival website and citing website trends, she outlined specific needs for an effective and user-friendly event website. The Festival’s new website won a Silver Pinnacle award at the International Festivals and Events Association (IFEA) annual awards luncheon.

Melody’s Ad Works, Inc. created the winning press kit and digital marketing campaign.  Established in 1989, the firm has been promoting the Festival since 2001.  The Festival’s press kit also earned a 2016 Gold Pinnacle Award from the IFEA, and a Polaris Award from the Public Relations Society of America.

A year-long production, the 2017 Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival is June 2-4, at Lake Skinner.  For more information, visit