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Kiwanis Club to Host First Ever “Paws-4-Kids” Dog Event

The Kiwanis Club of Temecula Valley has announced that they are scheduled to host the “First Annual Paws 4 Kids Pawllywood Contest” on Saturday, September 8, 2018, to be held at the Temecula Community Recreation Center, according to Tom Teagle, President of the service club.

The Paws 4 Kids – Pawllywood Contest is intended to be an annual fun-filled family event in the Temecula Valley that gives proud dog owners an opportunity to showcase their pets while helping to raise money to fund various community service projects the Kiwanis Club is involved in.

According to Julia Presnillo, who is co-chair of this fundraising effort, contest categories will Include: Best Costume (Adult +Dog); Best Costume (Child + Dog); Most Talented; Most Beautiful Uptown Girl (Female dog); Most Handsome Citizen Cane (Male dog); Best Sports Fan; Best Double Feature (Owner Look Alike); Best Winery/Brewery Dog; Cutest Little Pup (puppy under 1yr.); Best in Show or fan favorite.

The event will be held at the Ronald Reagan Sports Park CRC Amphitheater, which is located at 30875 Rancho Vista Road in Temecula. The contest/dog show will provide dogs and their owners with a chance to win prizes for any of the 10 contests. Entry check-in will begin at 10 a.m., and the entry fee is $10 per category, or $40 for five categories.

Sponsorships and vendor participation will also be available to support this fantastic new event. More information will be released by the Kiwanis Club shortly. For more information about the Paws 4 Kids dog event and how to purchase tickets or become a sponsor you can E-mail to: