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TV Balloon & Wine Festival Wins Honors

The International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA) honored the 2013 Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival on September 16th during the IFEA 58th Annual Convention & Expo – where the Festival was presented with five awards, three of which were top honors, in the prestigious IFEA/Haas & Wilkerson Pinnacle Awards competition. Awards were won in the following categories:

• Gold Pinnacle (top honors) Best Media/Press Kit
• Gold Pinnacle Most Effective Media Stunt/Event – Barrel Racing with Gayle Anderson
• Gold Pinnacle Best Media Relations Campaign
• Bronze Pinnacle Best Website
• Bronze Pinnacle Best Image Pieces

Melody’s Ad Works, Inc. of Wildomar, the Festival’s Public Relations firm created the press kit, media event and media relations campaign. The firm also produced materials and campaigns for 2012 and 2011 IFEA Awards, including gold awards for the press kit and most effective/creative news stunt. The festival’s website was re-skinned and streamlined in 2013 Conveyor Group incorporating easier navigation and faster download times. The 30th Anniversary logo, created strictly for the 2013 event year was a collaborative effort between Festival staff The Conveyor Group and Melody’s Ad Works, Inc.

The Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival has won 20 IFEA Awards since 2009 and competes against world’s top festivals and events. For a complete list of winners and more information on the IFEA, go to

Left to right Carol Porter, Haas & Wiilkerson Insurance, Carol Popejoy, executive director of TVBWF, Andrea Jacobsen, TVBWF event operations manager and Jonathan Linn, Haas & Wilkerson, sponsors of the awards.