G&M Hire Enterprises, the parent company of @Work Personnel Services and @Backgrounds Screening, announced it reached an important milestone: 2 years in business.
In that short time span, partners Moses Rangel and Gregg Hassler managed to open and grow four successful @Work Personnel locations in Temecula, Riverside, Palm Desert and Carlsbad, plus @Backgrounds, a well-regarded global employment screening company. According to the partners, the rapidly expanding business started as a result of the right people and events converging at the right time.
“I spent more than 22 years in the staffing industry making millions for an employer that ultimately kicked me to the curb,” Hassler said. “In the weeks following that stunning day I decided to take control of my own future, called Moses and we started our plan to set up shop as independents,” Hassler said. “Letting me go was the best thing they could have done for me.”
Hassler and Rangel brought in staffing superstar Judy Contreras and marketing expert Charlie Hoey to get the business going. The new team toasted the future and dove in. Both Hoey and Contreras left the relative safety of high paying positions for the challenge of something new and the freedom to innovate from the start.
“I saw the potential of this company from the start, and wanted to be a part of it. Gregg, Moses and Judy are a force to be reckoned with,” Hoey said. “Only two years in, we are well ahead of our original growth projections with no signs of slowing. We are still gaining momentum.”
The Temecula branch of @Work opened first, quickly earning the @Work Group National Franchise award for Fastest Growing New Branch. A few months later, the partners acquired a location in Palm Desert, and soon enough that branch also earned the Fastest Growing New Branch Award. Carlsbad and Riverside followed, with both of those locations going full steam ahead. The @Work division of the company is currently in the top seven of @Work Franchise’s 100+ locations in terms of revenues – and growing fast.
“The @Work Franchise folks probably thought we were a little overconfident, but honestly, we were not,” Rangel said. “The reality is we started with a clear business plan and a strong team, each member with their own strengths and experience in key aspects of starting and managing a business — sales, marketing, operations and community involvement.”
G&M Hire Enterprises credits some of its success to its founders’ extensive roots in the communities they serve. Hassler’s concert and event business, Golden Crown Productions, has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local and regional charities over the years.
“I believe in giving back,” Hassler said. “In addition to @Work and @Backgrounds, we are currently working on multiple concert events and fundraisers for the 2017 Temecula winery concert season. In November, we will be holding the WCMA (Wine Country Music Awards) at Wilson Creek Winery to benefit the Temecula Education Foundation and its music education programs.