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Quality – Differentiating your Business from the Competition

November 9th is World Quality Day.  This day has been set aside by organizations such the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) to celebrate and increase awareness of the work that companies around the world are doing to improve and maintain high levels of quality.   These businesses take part in activities such as seminars, presentations, quizzes and competitions focused on quality.   This is no small event as over 1000 companies in over 130 countries participated last year.

So why so much focus on quality?  Businesses know that it can be the differentiator between the competition and themselves.  Quality is a key factor in bringing in new customers and capturing market share.  With social media sites such as Yelp, potential customers can find out more about your business faster and easier than ever before.  The informed consumer will be making decisions based on quality experiences of others.   Additionally, quality contributes to customer retention and building loyalty.  Once the customer has an excellent experience with your product or service it’s a good chance they will keep coming back.

Quality efforts are not just for large companies but for any looking for long time success.  So, what can you do to increase quality?  Choosing a day to focus on how well your company is doing is a good start.  This can include bringing awareness to the employee of the need for making quality a habit in everything they do.  Sharing videos and quotes from businesses known for their superior products can be quite motivating.  Discuss your competition and see how you compare noting any areas where improvement can be made as well as where your company excels.

Use your company quality day as an opportunity to listen to your employees especially those working directly with customers.  What do they have to say about the products or services being sold along with ease of doing business?  What do they hear during the course of delivering or making a sale?  Capture and track data through after-sale surveys.  Use this valuable data to define objectives for improvement. And don’t forget to follow social media to hear the voice of the customer.

Have fun with your quality day.  Make it your time to engage the employees.  It’s all about the brand.  And having a brand of quality will make a winner.

Written by Ted Saul, Sr. Staff Writer

Ted Saul is a business coach that assists with Business Plans and Project Management. He holds a master certificate in project management and has earned his MBA from Regis University. Ted can be reached on LinkedIn, TedS787 on Twitter or emailing

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