Todd Montgomery, who has lived in Temecula for almost seven years, recently returned to his home state of Wisconsin to accept his Alma Mater’s Distinguished Alumni Community Service Award. Todd, who has Master’s and PhD degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), received this prestigious award because of his service to the University and community over several decades while he lived in Milwaukee.
Among other activities at UWM, Todd served as President of the UWM Alumni Association and was also a member of the University’s esteemed Board of Visitors, and active in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning’s Dean’s Club. Todd also enjoyed a distinguished professional career in business, education and community service. He was an investment officer, urban planner, UWM professor, and Navy officer aboard the 7th Fleet Flagship USS Providence CLG6. In addition, he was active in Rotary of Milwaukee (and is currently active in Rotary of Temecula), active in the International Institute of Wisconsin, the Skylight Opera Theatre, and President of the Navy League of Milwaukee. He was also founding of President of the Friends of Wisconsin State Parks and founding President of Friends of Lakeshore State Parks in Milwaukee.
In early October, Todd and his wife, Susan, traveled back to Milwaukee so he could accept this award at a gala event at Milwaukee’s historic Pfister Hotel.