As part of the 2018 citywide theme, Temecula SAFE, the City of Temecula’s Emergency Management Division cordially invites the public to the City’s second annual Emergency Management Summit: Partnering Agencies.
Event: Temecula Emergency Management Summit: Partnering Agencies
Date/Time: Thursday, September 20, 2018, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: City of Temecula City Hall, Conference Center, 41000 Main St., Temecula
This will be an informative event with keynote speakers, panel discussions, exhibitions and vendors. Citizens and businesses are encouraged to learn and discuss what to do should a catastrophic event strike our community. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
Topics include:
- Shelters
- Health Care
- First Responders
- Partnering Agencies such as School Districts, Nonprofits, Private, Public and Faith Based Organizations
- Facilitated Lunch Panel Discussion
Temecula Mayor Matt Rahn encourages residents and businesses to attend, and states, “Natural and manmade disasters are unpredictable, so the City of Temecula takes proactive measures to work with our partnering agencies to ensure our residents are informed and prepared.” Mayor Rahn added, “We also created a Special Edition Emergency Preparedness Newsletter, filled with useful information, that was hand delivered in June to all City of Temecula households inside of a ‘3-Minute Bag,’ which will be available to participants at this event.”
This event is free to all who wish to participate. A free continental breakfast and lunch is also included. Seating is limited, so please register today at
For more information or questions, contact Robert Cardenas, Risk Manager at 951-693-3944.