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Murrieta Rotary Honors Six with Vocational Service Awards

The Rotary Club of Murrieta awarded Vocational Service Awards to a City of Murrieta fire captain, a police dispatch supervisor, a Murrieta Valley Unified School District elementary teacher and three nurses during a luncheon, Monday, January 28. The annual awards luncheon was held at the Loma Linda University Medical Center Murrieta’s Professional Office Building and was attended by elected officials, community and business leaders.

The Murrieta Fire and Rescue fire awardee was Captain Joe Bourque. Captain Bourque was honored for his leadership in implementation of the Workforce Staffing Program and his seamless communications as President of the Murrieta Firefighters Association.

Julie Shannon, a 15-year employee of the Murrieta Police Department, was honored for her work as police dispatch supervisor and administrator of the police and fire computer aided dispatch system.

Barbara Rosales, who is the Title One Intervention Teacher at Murrieta Elementary School,was honored for her work with disadvantaged students and her commitment to helping students while building trust with students and their families.

Southwest Healthcare System honored Renee Aberle, lead supervisor for the system with 24/7 supervision responsibilities at Rancho Springs and Inland Valley Medical Centers, and for her community service. SWHS also honored Amy Mc Lean, from Rancho Springs’ maternity/OB team, for her work with the women’s team in terms of education and drills, along with volunteering in community events.

Loma Linda University Medical Center Murrieta’s awardee was Kristen Butler, director of the Emergency Department which cares for some 50,000 patients each year. Nurse Butler also partners with the Fire Department and Emergency Management to improve community services.

“The Rotary Club is honored to recognize these upstanding citizens who through their work are making huge contributions to our community,” Rotary Club Past President Jody Lawlor said. “These individuals exemplify the standards of Rotary, including ‘Service Above Self’ and the Four Way Test which stresses integrity and fairness while building good will and better friendships.”

The honorees were nominated by their respective agencies for their distinguished vocational and community service.

The Rotary Club of Murrieta was chartered on April 28, 1992. The club is involved in many international and community projects, in cooperation with Rotary International, which has as its theme “Service Above Self.” Club meetings are held Mondays (excepting holidays) at noon at Richie’s Diner in Murrieta.

Photo:  Murrieta Rotary Club’s Vocational Service Award winners were congratulated by Cynthia Nordskog, (left) chair of the event, and Debbie Herrera (center) representing State Senator Jeff Stone.  The awardees were (starting second from left) Amy McLean and Renee Aberle from Southwest Health Care System; Kristen Butler, Loma Linda University Medical Center Murrieta; Barbara Rosales, Murrieta Valley Unified School District; Julie Shannon, Murrieta Police Department, and Joe Bourque, Murrieta Fire and Rescue.