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Leif Jacobsen Named New President of Rotary Club of Temecula

The Rotary Club of Temecula will welcome a new President on July 10th when 2018/2019 outgoing President, Craig Davis, passes the gavel to newly elected 2019/2020 President, Leif Jacobsen.

Leif Jacobsen is a financial advisor in the Temecula valley. Leif has been a Rotarian since 2013 and serves on several committees within the Club. He is also a board member of the California State San Marcos Alumni Association and is involved in committees with his local church. Leif and his wife April have been married for 22 years and have fun raising their three children Dakota, Bailey and Dawson in their Temecula home.

President Leif Jacobsen will guide our Club this coming Rotary year in over 40 local service and humanitarian projects. Leif and his fellow Rotarians are looking forward to upholding the 2019/2020 Rotary International Theme of “Rotary Connects the World”.

The Rotary Club of Temecula meets at 12:00 pm every Wednesday at 8-bit Brewing Company located at 26755 Jefferson Avenue in Murrieta. Please visit our website at or our Facebook Page at We invite you to join our diverse group of local men and women of all ages who are inspired to make an impact in our community, region, and the world.

Rotary International is a global network of over 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, lasting change in communities at home and abroad. Visit for more information.