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Temecula Valley High School Parking & Reagan Park Restrictions Update

The Temecula Valley Unified School District and The City of Temecula appreciate the outreach from members of the community in response to concerns regarding newly approved parking restrictions to some areas of Reagan Park. The City and TVUSD support the planned restrictions to maintain our mutual safety goals for our residents and students.

One of the concerns expressed during the past few weeks has been the perceived displacement of students who currently use the particular public lot at Reagan Park, instead of parking on the Temecula Valley High School (TVHS) closed campus. TVUSD and TVHS administration are confident that we will be able to accommodate TVHS students who choose to park on campus.

TVHS has re-allocated adequate parking spots to accommodate students who wish to park on the TVHS closed campus. TVHS currently has 70 open student parking spaces on campus and can create additional spaces, based on demand. Consistent with practices throughout high school campuses, TVHS’ ASB (Associated Student Body) sets the parking fees for the year. The ASB collects the funds raised and allocates the funding towards costs associated with school priorities. Currently, TVHS’ ASB charges a flat $55.00 per year rate. Students who wish to park on campus beginning January 7, 2020, can purchase for a reduced pro-rated cost of $27.50. For any student who has a financial hardship, the school has a plan in place to assist.

We cannot mandate students to park on the TVHS campus. There will be students that choose to park off-campus for their reasons. While it is our preference for TVHS students to park on campus, if they choose not to, we want to encourage them to be good neighbors and not impact residential homes in the area. For students who wish to continue to park off-campus, the City has confirmed that there are two field lots at Reagan Park, approximately 700 feet from the newly restricted lot (below street grade), that will continue to have available public parking during regular park hours (5 am – 10 pm). The restrictions to this area were approved for public safety reasons, and the City of Temecula, through the Sheriff’s Department, will be monitoring this area both before and after school, given the level of altercations, vandalism and drug/alcohol abuses encountered in this parking area.

TVHS students who wish to purchase a parking space on the TVHS closed campus should contact Canli Mertz in bookkeeping to obtain the school’s parking application form.