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Covid-19 Update

The County of Riverside recently reached out to the State of California for clarification on the Stay-At-Home order as it relates to religious services. We have confirmed that drive-in religious services are allowable under the order. Religious institutions should ask attendees to maintain social distancing, keep their cars six feet apart and refrain from person-to-person contact. In-person religious services that bring people who do not reside with each other into the same room or space are not permitted. Faith-based services must be provided through drive-in services, streaming or other technology.

The County of Riverside has issued a revised order allowing public and private golf courses in Riverside County to operate under certain restrictions. The revised order can be found here. Restrictions include:

  • Play shall be limited to foursomes that will be required to observe social distancing (six feet separation between players at all times).
  • No caddies.
  • No large gatherings, including fundraisers or tournaments, will be permitted before June 20, 2020.
  • Face coverings, such as scarves, bandanas and neck gaiters, shall be worn by players and workers.
  • No in-person dining will be allowed at clubhouses.

The County also issued an amended order that clarifies that parks, trails and other outdoor areas are open for jogging, walking, hiking and other noncontact outdoor sports, provided that the participants wear face coverings and practice social distancing. The amended order can be found here.

Finally, the County has expanded COVID-19 testing to residents who are not showing symptoms of the disease. Testing sites are located at the Riverside County Fairgrounds in Indio (Tuesdays through Saturdays), The Diamond Stadium in Lake Elsinore (Sundays through Thursdays), the parking lot at Harvest Christian Fellowship Church in Riverside (Tuesdays through Saturdays), the Perris Fairgrounds (Tuesdays through Saturdays) and the Blythe Fairgrounds (open from April 22 to April 25). Those who want to be tested must call 800-945-6171 for an appointment and specify which location is preferable. Drive-ups without appointments cannot be accommodated. Appointments for the Lake Elsinore site can also be made online by going to

Riverside County Office on Aging

  • The Riverside County Office on Aging offers support for caregivers, grandparents and senior veterans who need transportation, rental assistance and even limited small home repairs.
  • They also have a number of food delivery options available to adult residents with a disability and seniors who are age 60 or older. Visit to find the lists of Grab-and-Go centers and community pantry locations across the County.
  • Call 800-510-2020 to get help from service specialists who will determine your need for any one or more of the service options below. Note: in observance of state and county public health orders, food items are typically bagged into multiple-days’ supply to reduce the need for contact.
  • Grab-and-Go Meals: From three to 14 days of cooked and frozen meals packaged for those who are able to travel to the different centers in their communities. Please be sure to call your nearest designated location for information on the number of meals they will deliver.
  • Courtesy Pantry: a two-week supply of shelf-stable food and essential items for no-contact home delivery. Expect delivery to arrive approximately five to seven days after requesting to be on the service list.
  • Home-Delivered Meals (HDM): From three to 14 days of cooked and frozen meals for no-contact home delivery to vulnerable adults who do not have capacity or means to go to pick-up locations. Expect delivery to arrive approximately two days after requesting to be on the service list. Please be sure to call your nearest designated location for information on the number of meals they will deliver.
  • Emergency Restaurant Meals: Up to two days of immediate food delivery for fragile adults and seniors who are at immediate risk due to lack of nutrition. This is an emergency solution until HDM is initiated.

Department of Public Social Services

  • The State of California has expanded benefits and eased the application process for CalFresh, CalWORKs and Medi-Cal to those who are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • CalFresh provides low-income households with assistance to purchase food at most grocery stores. CalFresh benefits are issued on an electronic benefit transfer (EBT), which is very similar to an ATM card. An application for cash and food services can be done online at or by calling 877-410-8827.
  • CalWORKs provides cash aid, along with Medi-Cal, CalFresh and services including housing support, to eligible families with children. Generally, services are available to families with children who have been deprived of parental support or care because of the absence, disability or death of either parent. Families with children may be eligible when both parents are in the home, but the principal earner is unemployed. An application for cash and food services can be done online at or by calling 877-410-8827.
  • Medi-Cal allows low-income residents to gain access to health care, dental and medical services. An application for Health Care assistance can be done online at Note: the additional $600 weekly unemployment benefit offered by the state is not currently being counted as income for Medi-Cal eligibility.

Other Resources

  • The Inland Caregiver Resource Center (ICRC) is a non-profit organization and part of the statewide system of Caregiver Resource Centers in the State of California. This organization helps families, friends, and the community manage the challenges of caregiving and offers some supportive services to adults over the age of 60 and older who are living alone. One of their programs is called PEARLS, which stands for Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives in Seniors.
  • PEARLS uses three elements – problem solving, physical activity and pleasant activity scheduling – to empower participants, reduce depression and improve overall quality of life.
  • PEARLS is now being offered virtually for free to seniors over the age of 60 who live in Riverside County. Please call 800-675-6694 or visit for details.

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