Standard treatment process kills bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19
Customers know that when they need clean drinking water, they simply have to turn on the tap. At EVMWD, we take pride in making sure customers don’t have to worry about the safety or reliability of that water.
As has been true throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, our drinking water supplies remain clean and secure. Thanks to strict drinking water regulations set by the State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, public water systems continue to employ a multi-step filtration and disinfection process that removes and kills bacteria, pathogens and viruses, including coronaviruses such as COVID-19.
Water treatment is something most people never have to think about, and that’s a good thing. But at EVMWD, our operations staff is working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure the system is functioning properly and our water meets all state and federal health and safety standards.
EVMWD is dedicated to ensuring the reliability of water during the COVID-19 crisis. Our operations staff are in the field making emergency repairs and performing essential maintenance to guarantee a safe supply of water to your tap.
The drinking water we serve is extensively tested – more than 17,000 times per year. The results of those tests are reported in our annual Water Quality Report, which is distributed to customers by July 1st each year; it can also be viewed online at
You can rest assured that the water delivered by EVMWD is safe and is there whenever you need it!
Learn more, visit or call (951) 674-316.