The Rotary Club of Temecula Sunrise has Named Myra Allen as 2020-2021 Club President
The club selected all their incoming club officers when they named the new president, including Jon Grimm as president-elect, Marti Treckman as secretary, and Lie-Ming Sie as treasurer.
The new Board of Directors includes John Tamalunas, Director of Membership; Jon Grimm, Director of Public Relations; Pat Lusin, Rotary Foundation Director; Jimmy Hsieh, Director of International Service; John Tamalunas, Director of Vocational Service; and Mark Sitar, Director of Youth Services. Other chairs chosen by Myra are Chris Nason, Community Service Chair; Jon Grimm/Chris Nason, Club Service and Programs Chairs; John Tamalunas, Chair of We Care; and President Myra and Jon Grimm, Chairs for Rotary PR/PI.
Allen has lived in Murrieta for 15 years and joined Temecula Sunrise Rotary on June 12, 2018. She is married to Daymond, and they have two sons, ages thirty and twenty-eight; this year they welcome their first granddaughter. She was active in her community in Orange County, volunteering for various Rotary clubs and other non-profit organizations. At her church, she has been involved from a young age and was in choir, continuing as an adult, as she loves singing.
She comes from a philanthropic family who are restaurant owners. She and her husband have supported and continue to support the two foundations her father-in-law Chuck Allen founded: the National Scholastic
Surfing Association and United States America Snowboarding Association. She has worked at the Coachella Valley Music Festival for over eight years in Hospitality.
Allen is the co-owner with her family of a landscape and construction company for over 25 years and is currently a member of the Temecula Valley Woman’s Club. She is on the Advisory Board for SAFE and Michelle’s Place, and a volunteer organizer for the Sepulveda Building Materials Golf Tournament.
Her responsibilities as a wife, mother, daughter, and grandmother are to continue the family “Legacy” and “her own Legacy” that was ingrained in her since a young age.
Her specialty is incompliance and business administration, as well as event coordinator/planner, wedding coordinator/planner, golf event coordinator/planner, mud run coordinator/planner, cross country race coordinator/planner, and Spanish transcriber, translator and interpreter. She has done voice-overs and many philanthropic activities. She is an organizer, grant writer, and contract writer. She has served on many committees on training and public education, as well as youth counselor and administrative assistant at the county level.
For many years she has served as a basketball, cross country, and track and field coach in Orange County and the Inland Empire with St. Callistus Catholic Church, Woodbridge High School, and Vista Murrieta High School.
Allen said she enjoys camping, surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, paddle boarding, bodybuilding, Harley-Davidson riding, running, kickboxing, off-roading, fishing, golfing, hiking, photography, sewing, singing, crocheting, crafting, baking, and she loves to cook. She and her family are avid adventurous outdoor explorers.
Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.
Chartered on May 29, 1987, the Rotary Club of Temecula Sunrise is known for its bus bench cleaning program around the city, the 34th Annual Run through the Vineyard, Community Christmas Dinner,
Safety Town for children 5-8 years old, Four Way Test speech and music competitions, leadership camps for 7th graders and high school juniors, a literacy program for Title I school third graders, scholarships, and much more! The club also supports the programs of Rotary International, especially PolioPlus, which in its efforts for more than a quarter of a century has almost eradicated polio from the earth.
Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club welcomes guests to visit us for breakfast on Tuesday mornings from 7:30 am-8:30 am under ordinary circumstances at the beautiful Journey’s End, the golf course restaurant, 45000 Pechanga Parkway, Temecula, CA 92592. Because of the coronavirus pandemic restrictions, the club is currently meeting via Zoom. Check out their Facebook page @Temecula Sunrise Rotary to see who is speaking and to ask the Zoom host, Jon Grimm, for a link to join us as our guest. For more information, call 951-98-6116.