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Community News Tailored to Riverside County Residents

As a Riverside County resident, it can be difficult to be aware of local happenings and need-to-know information taking place in your own backyard. For most, community news in Riverside County is hard to come by. The region gets lost in between San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties and often only receives attention when something tragic happens. This is why Spirit of Innovation came to fruition.

Spirit of Innovation, a magazine-style television show, is known for providing impactful news and information coverage for Riverside County that is timely and relevant. Instead of focusing on breaking events, the outlet covers community news and innovation happening throughout the region, and even spotlights local businesses. Riverside County residents can view the show on Murrieta and Temecula’s community access stations, Rivco TV, Youtube, and the website.

The magazine-style show isn’t just an outlet to inform Riverside County residents. JDS Creative Academy, the non-profit organization behind Spirit of Innovation, aims to educate adults with special needs and mainstream. The show is produced by a unique crew that includes: industry professionals, adults with developmental disabilities enrolled in JDSCA’s video production Title 17 job-training program, and college graduates and students participating in JDSCA’s California State-Approved Apprenticeship Program. This broadcast television production, along with its affiliated job-training programs, is the first of its kind.

Spirit of Innovation’s spin-off show, SOI Update, is getting ready to return this month after a year-long hiatus due to Covid-19. This 10-minute news and information micro-version of the full program is presented solely by the job training participants with only guidance from the industry professional instructors. In January 2020, the SOI Update ventured beyond television and now provides news and information on the radio new update in partnership with 102.5 the vine, delivering the JDS Creative Academy News Update seven days a week 3 times a day.

The production involved with the television and radio shows provides career pathway opportunities for these special-needs adults and college students looking for a break in the industry. Whether it is writing segments, working on digital marketing, going out on shoots, learning post-production, or interacting with the community, Spirit of Innovation, SOI Update and JDS Creative News Update allow our participants, students, and apprentices to build the confidence that’s required in a highly competitive marketplace.

Spirit of Innovation airs monthly the last Thursday of each month. Tune in on May 27th for our next live-streamed episode! You can find previous shows and segments on and on YouTube at SOI_ News. Alongside the monthly news program, you can watch JDSCA participants on the SOI Update, streaming weekly on our YouTube Channel and listen to them reporting community news on 102.5 FM The Vine radio station.