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Professional Women Toastmasters Win Chuck Weck Publicity Award

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The Professional Women Toastmasters Club of Temecula is proud to be awarded the District 12 Chuck Weck Publicity Award two years in a row! This winning achievement was led by Kathy Sizemore, 2020 VP Public Relations and Brooke Nunn, 2021 VP Public Relations. The award was presented by Immediate Past District Director, Jose Preciado. Toastmasters offers its members many opportunities to become more confident speakers as well as developing strong communication skills.

The Toastmasters District 12 Chuck Weck Publicity Award is given in recognition to a Club for superior publicity achievement in promoting their Toastmasters Club. It is named in honor of Chuck Weck, a past District 12 Governor. The winning club receives a traveling trophy to display until the next Chuck Weck Publicity Award Contest. This award is achieved by accumulating the most publicity points by various media during the period from July 1 through April 1 each Toastmaster year. There are approximately 100 clubs in the District which covers the Inland Empire.

“Seeing an opportunity to learn online marketing skills that I could apply to my business, A-Bell Alarms, I was excited to step into the role of Vice President Public Relations for Professional Women Toastmasters in 2019”, says Kathy Sizemore, Past President of Professional Women Toastmasters.

“I love a good competition, and when I found out about our District’s Public Relations award, I knew that I had to lead my club to win it. Working with club members for over nine months helped me improve my communication and leadership skills while gaining experience in social media marketing and project planning. In addition to winning the Chuck Weck Public Relations award, our club benefited by increasing our membership while helping more women in our community become confident leaders and speakers.”

“When I took on the role as Vice President Public Relations (VPPR) for Professional Women Toastmasters in July 2020, I had some big shoes to fill as Kathy displayed incredible public relations skills that led our club to victory”, commented Brooke Nunn. This gave me a goal to focus on and with her guidance we were able to win this prestigious award once again. The VPPR officer role offered me an opportunity to learn more about marketing and how to communicate our club’s story to the public.

Toastmasters has changed my life in providing me with many skills to overcome my fears and it was an honor to share this with others.” Kathy Sizemore added, “As a direct result of Brooke’s PR efforts, Professional Women Toastmasters experienced a season of membership growth during the COVID-19 pandemic while other clubs in our district struggled with declining membership.”

The Professional Women Toastmasters Club meets every Monday at 12:30pm to 1:30pm via Zoom. For more information about the club, please email Mona Payan at
or visit

About District 12
District 12 serves approximately 100 Clubs and 1700 members in the large Southern California region East of highway 57, South of Barstow, West of the Arizona border, and North of Temecula. District 12 includes two of California’s largest counties (by square miles) – Riverside and San Bernardino.

To learn more about District 12, please visit

About Toastmasters International
Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Englewood, CO., the organization’s membership exceeds 352,000 in more than 16,400 clubs in 141 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit Follow @Toastmasters on Twitter.

People holding award