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Professional Women Toastmasters Participates in Playhouse Blitz for Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley

Professional Women Toastmasters participates in Habit for Humanity Playhouse build with Eric Bunge, Outreach Director and Tammy Marine, Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley benefiting local first responders and healthcare families. Participants are gifted these playhouses as a surprise and proceeds raised by playhouse builds provide direct support to Habit for Humanity programs that helps struggling families obtain safe, affordable housing.

Toastmasters members are guided by a set of essential core values: Integrity, Respect, Service and Excellence. These values allow member achievement through club excellence. These core values are the root belief that Professional Women Toastmasters operate from for the past several years. Having an opportunity to make a real impact in people’s lives Toastmasters members agree to help other people and give their time and energy to inspire others to grow. Professional Women Toastmasters was founded in 2016 in Temecula, California, which is part of District 12, Area C3. After 5 years of outstanding achievement as a President’s Distinguished Club, the Professional Women Toastmasters continues to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment that empowers members to develop communication and leadership skills while making an impact in their community.

Courtney Fletcher, VP of Education from Professional Women Toastmasters said “Toastmasters is also an opportunity to make life long, and lasting friendships. Where you can meet a melting pot of personalities, from a wide range of backgrounds, with a collaborative goal of bringing one another and the community together. It was an honor to be able to work alongside my fellow club and community members to accomplish such a special project.”

“Thank you Eric Bunge and Tammy Marine from Habit for Humanity Inland Valley for allowing Professional Women Toastmasters to be part of your playhouse community blitz. A unique building opportunity for our teams to work together to construct playhouses and use our creative talents to bring joy in a much-needed time to our community of first responders and healthcare families. Being a Toastmaster is not only about improving yourself it involves transforming what you know (or what you have learned) to others to help them improve” said Monique Payan, Commercial Banker, Vice President of Public Relations for Professional Women Toastmasters.

Join us every week and be part of our online community. –

The Professional Women Toastmasters Club meets each Monday at 12:30 pm to 1:30pm via Zoom. For more information about this event and the club, please email Monique Payan at
or visit

About District 12
District 12 serves approximately 100 Clubs and 1700 members in the large Southern California region East of highway 57, South of Barstow, West of the Arizona border, and North of Temecula. District 12 includes two of California’s largest counties (by square miles) – Riverside and San Bernardino. To learn more about District 12, please visit

Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Englewood, CO., the organization’s membership exceeds 352,000 in more than 16,400 clubs in 141 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit Follow @Toastmasters on Twitter.