At Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, we are proud of the steps our community has taken to embrace water use efficiency as an essential way of life here in Southern California. Whether a wet or dry year, we have made great strides in using our water more efficiently.
On January 4th, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted Emergency Water Use Regulations to promote water conservation during the current drought emergency. Though the state received significant rain and snow fall in the last weeks of December, the state is still under extreme drought conditions. The declaration requires customers to be mindful of water use and practice water efficiency. The mandates fall under “Stage 2” of EVMWD’s Water Shortage Planning Policy.
That’s actually great news for our customers. Because the requirements set by the state are already in place for EVMWD customers and maintained overall water savings, you are already on the right track.We have seen that small, everyday actions make a big difference in securing safe, reliable water supplies for generations to come.
Looking to STEP IT UP when it comes to water and money savings?
We often hear from folks who are interested in taking their water-use efficiency practices to the next level, but don’t know where to start. If that sounds like you or someone you know, here are five ways you can make a measurable difference:
1. Fix leaks. Common leak sources include running toilets, dripping faucets, home water treatment units and sprinkler systems.
2. Install beautiful, water-wise landscaping. Swap turf grass for California-friendly plants to cut outdoor water use by more than half.
3. Invest in a drip irrigation system to save water and prevent the runoff of toxic contaminants into our water supply.
4. Don’t overwater plants. Use a rain shutoff device, soil moisture sensor, or humidity sensor to control irrigation.
5. Upgrade to efficient WaterSense appliances.
Many of these water efficiency upgrades also come with a rebate! We encourage you to visit to learn how you can apply for rebates for the following items:
• Drip irrigation systems
• High-efficiency clothes washers
• Hot water recirculating systems
• Premium high-efficiency toilets
• Rain barrels and cisterns
• Rotating sprinkler nozzles
• Soil moisture sensors
• Turf replacement
• Weather-based irrigation controllers
In addition, customers can take control of their water use and monitor their water consumption online through EVMWD’s advanced meter technology. Our high-tech AquaHawk system helps customers leverage the multiple benefits of having an advanced meter, including identifying ways to increase water use efficiency and save money in the process. Customers can also sign up for water leak and water use alerts through AquaHawk.
With so many ways to save, you can do your part to ensure adequate water supplies well into the future for our region. Thank you for stepping it up!