Do you have a drought tolerant landscape? If so, enter our contest – because saving water is beautiful!
In southern California, most residential water use in Riverside County is used outdoors, primarily to water landscaping. When yards contain large amounts of turf, it can significantly increase overall water use. By replacing conventional lawns with drought tolerant landscaping, residents can still maintain a beautiful, colorful, lush landscape that withstands California’s dry climate. Enter our contest and show the region that saving water can be beautiful!
The biennial contest is easy to enter. Simply follow the rules and submit photo entries of your front yard anytime between April 1 and May 17, 2022. Entries are judged on overall theme and appropriate use of water-wise plants. Ten winners will receive a $500 reward!
For information and rules, visit The 2022 Landscape Contest is brought to you by your Inland Empire family of water agencies.