Like most Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) customers, you recognize that conservation is a way of life in California. We greatly appreciate everything you are doing to reduce water use. However, as the drought continues and we face the warmer months of our third dry year, now is the time to re-examine how we can work together to save even more water during these unprecedented times.
Gov. Newsom’s approach to limiting summertime water use requires all Californians to do their part to use water wisely while also giving local water managers discretion based on local supply conditions. To meet the call to action, EVMWD is asking its customers to voluntarily reduce their water use by the state guideline of 20 percent. These actions underscore the serious challenges faced by California in maintaining a reliable supply of water during a drought. This year’s January to March period is the driest on record and as of April 1, the state’s snowpack plummeted to just 38 percent of average.
A good place to start is by evaluating what you’re already doing to reduce water use and finding new ways to save. There are many water saving tips on sites such as You can also find information on how to save more water and on rebates for a variety of indoor and outdoor products for your business at
A simple strategy to reduce unnecessary water use comes from outdoor uses, such as landscaping, cleaning sidewalks and driveways. Reducing landscape watering times, watering only after 6 p.m. and before 6 a.m., replacing lawns with drought-tolerant landscaping, and using brooms instead of hoses to clean off driveways are some ways that residents can help save water.
In addition, through EVMWD’s advanced meter technology, customers can take control of their water use and monitor their water consumption online. Our high-tech AquaHawk system helps customers leverage the multiple benefits of having an advanced meter, including identifying ways to increase water use efficiency and save money in the process. Customers can also sign up for water leak and water use alerts through AquaHawk.
For more tips and incentives, visit