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Murrieta Named 2nd Safest City by FBI

Once again the City of Murrieta has placed 2nd behind Irvine, CA. as the safest city in the country based on violent crime statistics compiled by the FBI. This position is not a new one for Murrieta having placed 2nd behind Irvine at least twice before, but it is a source of pride for a City that has continued to place a high importance on public safety despite the recent economic downturn.

Factoring in violent crimes (crimes against persons) and non-violent crimes (crimes against property), Murrieta moves to 4th in California behind only Thousand Oaks, Irvine and Simi Valley. Murrieta is listed as the 8th safest city in the nation for cities over 100,000 population.

“This ranking is testimony to the professionalism of the Murrieta Police Department”, says Mayor Rick Gibbs. “Given that the state has saddled counties with their ‘prisoner realignment program’ and that every evening a court mandated release of prisoners from French Valley takes place, it is also an acknowledgment of the good demographics we are blessed with and the incredible Murrieta Valley Unified School District that is preparing tomorrow’s well educated work force.”

Economic Development Director Bruce Coleman echoed those remarks adding, “This is once again excellent news demonstrating that Murrieta continues to be a very attractive community in which to live and locate a business since we are not only a very safe community but also have a very high quality of life, excellent schools and a great family environment for growth.”

Rounding out local cities, Temecula ranked #37, Los Angeles #53, San Diego #58 and Riverside #120. At the other end of the spectrum, coming in dead last at #279 – Chicago with 500 murders, New Orleans at #275, Boston #274 and New York City # 273. And while Irvine’s violent crime per 1,000 residents stands at .51 and Murrieta at .74, Flint, MI leads the pack with 27.79 closely followed by Detroit at 21.23 .

“While there are many different factors that contribute to a city’s ability to be on such a list, including factors beyond an individual city’s control, it is an honor to consistently earn a spot on both the national and state top ten lists. This speaks volumes about the professionalism and dedication of the men and women who serve our city, as well as the support and assistance of all the citizens of this great community, ” according to Murrieta Police Chief Sean Hadden.

To view the full FBI list go to: