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On January 17, 2014, Governor Jerry Brown issued a drought declaration to prepare state officials for potential water shortages and called upon California residents to reduce their water use by 20 percent.

The drought was initiated after 2013 was declared the driest year on record in California’s 163-year history. A January 30, 2014 reading of snowpack levels by the California Department of Water Resources showed that snowpack levels statewide are only 12 percent of average for this time of year.

In Southern California, the majority of our imported water supplies come from two sources: the State Water Project and the Colorado River. Due to the drought, and for the first time in its history, the State Water Project is no longer delivering water to its recipients. The Colorado River Basin has also experienced drought conditions over the last 14 years, which continues to impact the availability of water for Southern California.

While current conservation efforts by residents all across southern California have helped lessen the immediate impacts of the drought, more is needed to ensure that local water supplies can be stretched to serve the current demand.

While EVMWD is not imposing any mandatory water restrictions on its customers at this time, we are strongly encouraging our customers to monitor their outdoor use, which accounts for nearly 70 percent of the water used at home. Customers should reduce water times to less than five minutes per sprinkler station, only water once a day. EVMWD recommends watering at night or in the early morning and adjusting sprinklers to prevent runoff from their landscapes.

In order to help reduce our reliance on imported water, EVMWD is actively seeking out new local water supplies. Just recently, EVMWD completed work on the Coldwater Basin project and the Terra Cotta Well project that now is expected to provide an additional 2,000 acre feet of ground water a year into our local supply. Metropolitan Water District and its member water agencies have also invested billions of dollars over the last two decades to increase water storage capacity and create surpluses in anticipation of potential droughts.

The formal declaration by Governor Brown is a step in the right direction to bring awareness of the need for water conservation all across California. State officials are finalizing California’s water action plan and making sure to prepare California for future droughts. The final plan includes an expanded focus on the current drought and how it is going to be managed. In order to conserve water to the best of our ability, California residents must work together in collaboration with California water agencies to reduce water consumption.

For some tips on saving water indoors and outdoors please visit Every drop counts!

Andy Morris is the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Board President – , (951) 674-3146, ext. 8223.