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Corporate Green Conference – Building a Green Business Community

corpgreenTemecula Recycling, Hine Temecula Mazda and Sunpro Solar, are presenting a Corporate Green Conference on Thursday February 21, 2013, from 11 am to 2pm at Temecula Creek Inn.

The event will address; Recycling Strategies for a corporate setting, AB341- new state guidelines, Climate Change and Sustainability. The new state Bill will require a business defined to include a commercial or public entity that generates more than 4 cubic yards of commercial solid waste per week,

or is a multifamily residential dwelling of 5 units or more, to arrange for recycling services.


The goal of the new bill is for California to recycle 75% of our solid waste, by the year 2020. As a state

we are only recycling 28% of our waste at this time, so we still have a long way to go. This event will be featuring different specialty speakers that will present and educate our community on the many environmental issues that we face today in both our work place and home. Vendors and Sponsors are welcomed, space is still available.


Tickets to the event are only $15 per person, which includes lunch, provided by Temecula Creek Inn, green expo area, and presentations, by educated speakers in their field.


For more info or if interested in becoming a vendor or sponsor contact“> or

Call Temecula Recycling at (951) 693-1500.