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Water Conservation Ideas from EVMWD

With the governor declared drought and dry times here in Southwest California, it is the ideal time to consider swapping out water guzzling turf for a California friendly front yard! Outdoor watering accounts for nearly 65 percent of an average home owner’s water use. To assist homeowners in reducing water needs outside, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District created the Temescal Gardens, a simple and easy, do-it-yourself approach to create a beautiful water saving landscape.

The Temescal Gardens at the Storm Stadium is available for viewing anytime and is free to the public. The garden features three small plots designed by the Cities of Lake Elsinore, Wildomar and Canyon Lake, and feature easy-to-find California friendly or water efficient plants. It’s a great place to get ideas on starting a new front yard!

The Temescal Garden at the EVMWD headquarters, also, offers a commercial landscape design, in addition to more residential examples, that will make customers stop and take notice while saving your business water, time and money! The new, colorful California friendly landscape includes crepe myrtle trees, pink muhly grass, coffeeberry shrubs, kangaroo paw, dwarf bottle brush, and a ground cover of roses. The garden is equipped with drip irrigation – a simple to install and effective way to maintain drought tolerant plants.

Ready to trade in the turf? Temescal Garden virtual tours, designs, plant guides and irrigation handbooks are available at  to assist in creating water efficient landscapes.

Greg Morrison is the Director of Legislative and Community Affairs for Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District.