On Thursday, September 4th, Professional Women’s Roundtable’s guest speaker will be Nicholas Palumbo. Nicholas is a grape grower and winemaker who is both an artist and a cultivator. The vineyard has become a large part of his family and he is proud to share it through his wines.
He will be telling us how he brought his vision into reality, the ins and outs of running a winery and the shared vision of the Temecula wineries for the future of wine country.
The Professional Women’s Roundtable invites all professional women and PWR members to attend the meetings every first Thursday of the month.
You must RSVP to attend. The cost to attend the luncheon meeting is $20.00 for members and $25.00 for guests. Join PWR for our monthly lunch meeting. Registration begins at 11:15 a.m. at The Grill Room, 41687 Temeku Drive in Temecula. (located at the Temeku Hills Golf Club). For more information visit our website www.pwronline.org.