by Scott Phillips, J.D.
This is the time of year when three little words bring anxiety to millions of young Americans across the country, those words are “Back to School.”
But what do those words really mean?
Last year there was an ad regarding “Back to School;” however, the advertiser was promoting competition between children over who would look more “trendy” the first day of school. There was nothing about education at all.
Unfortunately, that ad is a reflection of our general thoughts. When it comes to those words some of us think of shopping for clothes and supplies, the extra hours in the day we will have to ourselves, the fall sports or drama productions our children will be a part of, and some of us even think of all the activities that are coming with the pending holidays.
But few of us consider what “Back to School” really means, or at least should mean. In short, it means our children will be involved in learning that will help them succeed in life and their success in life will have a direct impact on the future of our society.
In other words, those three little words, or “Back to School,” are very important, and at Temecula Preparatory School we take that to heart.
We are committed to a heritage of virtue, wisdom, and knowledge; and we believe that the best way to do this is through a classical model that allows us to inspire our students to learn. We believe that inspired learning is the only real learning. Why? Simply put, in order to inspire you have to go through the heart to get to the mind, which is harder sometimes. But once you do, you have made a mark that will last a lifetime.
And therein lies the true meaning of what we should think of when we hear or see those three little words, “Back to School.” We should envision teachers inspiring students to learn about truth, beauty, and goodness to ensure a strong foundation for success in life and for leading our society in the future.
Scott Phillips, J.D. is the CEO and Headmaster for Heritage Classical Charter Schools/Temecula Preparatory School. Twitter: @