It is an International program, and Murrieta Valley High School competed this year for the 6th year. It is a class where students build a business from the ground up in less than 3 months. Everything is real, like their departments: HR, Accounting, IT, Sales, Marketing, Prep, and Business Plan Team made up of the executives. They choose their virtual product to sell, and then go to work making projections, designing logo, shirts, trade show booth, newsletter, employee manual, newsletter, and everything else that goes along with a business start-up and launch.
Mr. Joel Levin, Murrieta Valley High School teacher, doubled his commitment to Virtual Enterprise this year by teaching two classes to meet the demand of students trying to get into this popular business class. The big competition was in Bakersfield on Dec. 2nd where students competed in 16 different areas: Business Plan presentation, elevator speech, marketing plan, HR scenarios, billboard design, website design, newsletter, interviewing, and others. It is the Business Plan presentation that determines what team gets to go to NYC for the international finals. This year it was the top 5 teams.
There are about 100 schools, but only 40 competed in the business plan presentation. In the past MVHS has placed 6th, 5th, 3rd, and last year 2nd. What could be better? This year the two teams from MVHS took 3rd and 4th and will both be going to NYC. They also placed in 13 of the other 16 areas of the competition and took home their first 1st Place in Website Design. Congratulations to 50 kids who put on their business suits and looked like they just stepped out of Wall Street and Joel Levin for building these young entrepreneurs. They are always looking for sponsors and fundraising for the April trip to New York City.