by Tracey Papke
The printed word has power, and when accompanied with creative images, its power increases tremendously. There are many reasons that printed materials are an effective marketing tool. Print is stimulating, accessible, trusted and persuasive. Connecting to the power of print produces results.
Print stimulates the senses. People enjoy holding a printed piece. Using different textures or printing techniques to create textures adds to the experience. People, also, respond to a visually appealing design. A consumer will actually have to hold and scan a printed piece and make a decision to keep or toss it. Print is a tangible media that provides a feeling of substance that electronic media can’t deliver.
Print is easily accessed. There is no need to upload information or deal with wait time, compatibility or network access issues. You won’t need to charge anything or worry about screen glare, and it is highly portable. When sharing a printed piece with someone, it is physically handed to another without the worry of being deleted or going into a spam folder.
Print is trusted and is a vital part of our lives. It has been used throughout the centuries to shape nations and lives. People trust it and are comfortable using it. People use it every day, and they can’t fast-forward past it.
Print is persuasive. It is a proven sales booster. According to the USPS, studies show that online shoppers that have received a direct mail piece sending them to a particular website will spend 13% more than shoppers that did not receive the piece. In that same vein, online shoppers will spend 28% more if they have received a catalog associated with the site.
Partner with your local printer to discover creative ways to connect to the power of print and get the results you want out of your next marketing campaign!
Tracey Papke is the owner of Potamus Press, a commercial print shop that specializes in offset and digital printing. For more information please visit or call (951)693-2136.