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Experience Counts

by Chuck Washington


22 years into cityhood, Temecula has become a city recognized for many things-not the least of which is a great place to do business. According to a recent Rose Institute survey, Temecula ranks in the top 20 in the state as a city that is “Very Low Cost” to do business. While the State continues to see businesses leaving California, Temecula remains a beacon for businesses with a “Very Low” ranking when calculating city government’s burden on businesses.


This all comes as no surprise to those of us at city hall because our plan has been in place and implemented by an experienced City Council and City Staff. Can one honestly say it is by accident that in 2011 Temecula was ranked by a national business magazine as the 2nd Safest City in America (based on FBI statistics) or that Temecula is one of only 12 city/counties in California to receive a grade of “A” for Air Quality from the American Lung Association?


When I was a young Navy Officer back in the 80’s, our leadership was fond of saying, “failing to plan, was a plan for failure.” There are no exceptions to that today. Time and time again Temecula has created a framework for putting together plans – whether it be an Old Town Specific Plan, a Youth Master Plan, a Quality of Life Master Plan, a Jefferson Corridor Visioning, or a Special Needs Resource Guide, Temecula’s Council Member subcommittees, working hand-in-hand with city staff, have created a framework that guides the process through workshops, where “fresh ideas” are gathered from the community, onto completion and then ultimately implementation.


Some would argue that Temecula would benefit from consistent turnover on the City Council but when we stop and take a look at the facts, we find that we are in an enviable position as a city. The burden on businesses and residents remains as low as or lower than any time since incorporation. In fact the City Council recently approved refinancing three Community Facility District (CFD) bonds which resulted in lower annual payments (by 8 to 13 percent) for over 4000 residences. And yet Temecula operates with a balanced budget and reserves, while continuing to offer the highest levels of service in Public Safety and programs for seniors and families. This is no accident. This is the result of the same component that served me well in the Navy, and serves successful businesses well in the Private Sector – Experience!


The headlines shout of challenges and failures for cities all across the nation. The State of California, even after robbing revenue from cities and counties, continues to operate in the red. And with term limits solidly in place in Sacramento, the dysfunction continues. We have many blessings here in Temecula and we also have experience and plans. So, as the old saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it.”


Chuck Washington is currently Mayor of Temecula, but this editorial represents only his opinion.