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Trio Added to Ronald Reagan Sports Park Advisory Board

rrparkThe Friends of Ronald Reagan Sports Park (Special Projects) is proud to announce the appointment of several new individuals to its Advisory Board.

Kay Sterling, Dr. Byron Lambert and Tom Tomkins have agreed to serve on the Friends of Ronald Reagan SP Advisory Board, FRRSP President Perry Peters announced.

Sterling is a past president of the Temecula Town Association, which donated $39,000.00 toward construction of the Can-Do monument in Ronald Reagan Sports Park, “to honor our local volunteers who built the park without government funding,”

Sterling and her husband, John, (also a past president of the Town Association) made personal donations to the monument fund as well, according to Peters, president and founder of the 501(c)(3) non-profit Friends of Ronald Reagan SP.

Tomkins is a former TV executive who served as a consultant in the preparation and production of a DVD about FRRSP. Tomkins was a consultant in the production of the FRRSP DVD, “You Can Do Too,” that appears on Temecula’s municipal TV channel 3 daily at 11 a.m. He is a member of the Can-Do Club.

Lambert is a senior associate fellow and director of preclinical research at Abbott Vascular in Temecula. His focus is on finding terminal sterilization solutions for combination devices with material compatibility challenges and demonstrating product safety and value before the initiation of clinical trials.