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ABWA Features Dr. Tina Gottleib

The American Business Women’s Association (ABWA) will meet on Thursday, May 10th from 11:15 – 1:00PM at Baily’s Restaurant located at 28699 Old Town Front Street in Temecula.

Featured presenter will be Dr. Tina Gottleib, D.C. discussing physical stresses you might not even recognize impact your health and your life. Dr. Gottleib is uniquely qualified to discuss the effects of physical stress because she sees it every day. To learn how you can minimize and prevent common causes of physical stress, don’t miss this presentation.

Lunch is $15 for members and first time guests, $25 for returning not-yet-members – RSVP not required but appreciated. For more information please see our website or call Rachel Mason at 909.838.8071.

The mission of ABWA is to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership; education, networking support and national recognition.