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Crossing Guards Could You’re Child’s Life

School is coming back in session and the morning and afternoons will be busy with all the vehicles taking children to and from schools.  Everybody is very frustrated when traffic backs up.  Drivers get impatient and do some crazy and totally unexpected things when they are running late and traffic is not flowing smoothly.

As a traffic motor sergeant, I see this every day, and many times have to stop people and warn or cite drivers.  I wanted to address the issues our crossing guards are having with motorists to get the word out to all parents.

Right up front I want to thank our crossing guards around all 19 schools in the Murrieta Unified School District.  They do a tremendous job for us all.  Many times they are the only buffer between vehicles and our children.  Take a minute to thank them next time you pass through their crosswalks.

What I see day in and day out is driver’s not paying close enough attention to our crossing guards.  This is the overriding issue.  Drivers are running late, have multiple student drop offs to accomplish, or are trying to get to work.  They are focused on their particular “mission” to the exclusion of everything else going on around them.  With this frame of mind, they tend to be focused only on what is directly in front of their car.

They do not realize the danger of operating their vehicle in this frame of mind until the day they have a near miss with a student or crossing guard, or an actual vehicle/pedestrian collision.  These same drivers are traveling through the school zones oblivious to the fact that they are in a 25 mile per hour zone with children in the area.

Our crossing guards in this City all go through training to do the job you see them performing everyday.  They are employed by the school district.  When working and dressed with their reflective vest holding their stop signs, they have the same authority as a police officer to stop traffic.  Their only goal is to get your kids across the street safely.

We as parents, as well as students, need to watch for their direction and comply with their directions.  When their sign is raised, the crosswalk is off limits to all vehicles.  Section 2815 of the California Vehicle Code states all persons must comply with any traffic signal or direction given by a school crossing guard.  I’m sure some of you have seen us (motor officers) positioned near crosswalks that experience problems.

Please help us get your kids to school and home safely.

Drivers, please slow down in the school zones and pay attention to the total environment around you during these busy times in the morning and afternoon.  This way, you won’t miss the crossing guard stepping off the sidewalk crossing kids.  Once the crossing guard’s sign is up, remember the entire crosswalk is off limits to all vehicles for as long as the sign is raised.  It does not matter where the guard is standing or walking, or how many kids are in the area.  The crossing guard may see things you are not aware of so please stay put and do not drive your vehicle across any part of the crosswalk until they lower their sign and step up onto the sidewalk.

Parents, please share this information with your children.  As crossing students, please pay close attention to what the crossing guards are telling you.  Stay on the curb until the crossing guard is out in the street with their sign raised, looks at you, and tells you it is ok to cross.  As you probably have seen, traffic does not always stop immediately so let the crossing guard get things under control before you move out into the street.

Thanks for everyone’s help.  If you have any input for future newsletter topics, or want to speak directly to me regarding a traffic issue, feel free to contact me directly.

Written by Sergeant Jay Froboese

I welcome your questions and suggestions for future articles and can be contacted directly at the Murrieta Police Department at 951-461-6302 or

20 posts