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Warmest Wishes for a Merry Christmas

The season is upon us and the employees of the Murrieta Police Department want to wish all our fine citizens a Merry Christmas.  Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or any other religious holiday this season, the officers, dispatchers, and all the support personnel, volunteers, and explorers that make up our police department thank you, our citizens, for all your support throughout the year as we go about our job of keeping our city the safe and beautiful place we all enjoy so much.  So often throughout the year we are approached by citizens that thank us for our service.  There have been times when we leave a restaurant, approach the cashier to settle our bill, only to find some anonymous citizen has paid our bill.  In so many ways the citizens of this city show their support all year in so many ways for both fire and police services.  We all want you to know it never gets old, and we are very appreciative.  We truly are honored to serve you.

The law enforcement career has taken some hits the last few years and sometimes it feels as if a very broad brush has negatively painted over our entire career.  This makes it very hard to do our job with the enthusiasm and dedication that you all see on the street every day.  Having worked in this city as a law enforcement officer for almost 20 years, and being out there in contact with our citizens on the motor for almost all of it, I feel your support and know we are viewed positively in this city.  In this city our service is respected and appreciated, and we are grateful.

Our officers show this appreciation by living up to our motto “Partners With Our Community.”  We take our “partnership” very seriously, and with many of our officers living right here in our city, we have a vested interest in keeping Murrieta one of the safest cities in the country.  If you are not aware of it, we even have a Facebook Page for our department where you can like us and periodically check up on all the activities we are involved in throughout the community.  Check it out at

Take a moment during this season to stop and reflect on all your blessings here in Murrieta and remember all those less fortunate than us.  So many across our globe suffer from the scourge of terror and conflict and will not have the peace and comforts we have this season.

So once again, the Murrieta Police Department sincerely appreciates all the support you give us throughout the year.  This is an awesome community.  We enjoy living here and consider it an honor to serve all the citizens of Murrieta in our chosen profession of Law Enforcement. I welcome your questions and suggestions for future articles and can be contacted directly at the Murrieta Police Department at 951-461-6302 or

Written by Sergeant Jay Froboese

I welcome your questions and suggestions for future articles and can be contacted directly at the Murrieta Police Department at 951-461-6302 or

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