If you are a business owner, chances are you have one nagging question always on your mind: how to increase your sales. There are many ways to do this; one way is through exporting.
Murrieta is one of the few cities with a written partnership agreement with the US Department of Commerce/US Commercial Service.
The point of the agreement is to increase awareness of the economic benefits of international trade and investment. To that end, Murrieta does quite a bit to help educate regional businesses on the benefits of exporting and how to (properly) do it.
It may surprise you how many foreign dignitaries, international governments and businesses meet in Murrieta on a fairly regular basis. To date, the “Gem of the Valley” has hosted meetings with countries such as Kenya, China, India, Vietnam, Finland, Indonesia, Israel and Singapore, among others. Prior to the arrival of a particular dignitary group, Murrieta’s Economic Development Department works to find out the needs of that government/country and then invites applicable businesses in the region that may be able to fill the need overseas.
But, just because you want to export your goods or services across our borders, does not mean you will know how to do it.
To help local businesses understand how to export, Murrieta works with several organizations such as California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC), California Inland Empire District Export Council (CIEDEC), InSoCal Connect and we even have our own manufacturing group, the Riverside County Manufacturers & Exporters Association (RCMEA). Through these groups, and in conjunction with the US Department of Commerce, Murrieta holds several export-related workshops to help companies better understand the reasons, rules, and benefits to exporting.
The series, “Business in China Workshops” is currently being held at the Murrieta Chamber of Commerce during the months of January and February. These workshops are geared to teach business patterns, cultural differences and marketing opportunities for Murrieta Valley businesses interested in exporting and/or doing business overseas.
ExporTech, a nine-week class designed to help companies create and execute an export plan specific to their product, will be taking place at the Murrieta Innovation Center beginning in February. The class is being conducted by CMTC, a private non-profit corporation under the Department of Commerce that provides consulting services to small and mid-size manufacturers in Southern California.
Murrieta also offers other, less-formal avenues of help for the business that wants to begin, continue or expand exporting. We can help to facilitate one-on-one meetings with the US Department of Commerce, local exporting experts and international organizations to get your questions answered or to make necessary introductions that could be beneficial to your business.
Please let us know how we can help you! For more details on any of the information above, please contact Bruce Coleman or Kimberly Davidson with Murrieta’s Economic Development Department at bizevents@murrieta.org or at 951.304.2489.