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PWR Announces “Stories from the Heart”

Thursday, February 4th - 11:15 – 1:00 p.m.

Professional Women’s Roundtable announces their quarterly Member Showcase meeting. At this meeting we will get to know select members in more depth. This meeting is always fascinating and creates a wonderful environment for networking. As always, members and guests are encouraged to meet for coffee or lunch outside of our meetings.

Lisa-Stergulz Lisa Stergulz, A La Carte Marketing Services – She focuses on event planning, marketing plans and appreciation marketing.
Lisa Harris, Enduring Fitness 4ULisa opened ‘Enduring Fitness 4U’ in 2014 to help folks over age 50 live their lives with strength, dignity and independence. COMMUNITY - PWR - Lisa Harris

RSVP is a must. The cost to attend the luncheon meeting is $20.00 for members and $25.00 for guests.

Registration begins at 11:15 a.m. at The Grill Room, 41687 Temeku Drive, Temecula (located at the Temeku Hills Golf Club). For more information visit our website

The Professional Women’s Roundtable invites all professional women and PWR members to attend the meetings every first Thursday of the month. For reservations and more information, visit Or, for more information, please contact: Annette LaRocque: 951-300-6676.