As local farmers begin to make plans for the upcoming growing season, the Rancho California Water District (RCWD/District) is lending a helping hand. The District’s newly created CropSWAP program provides financial assistance for agriculture customers who convert high water use crops to lower water varieties. This will not only save water but will provide sustainable options for local agricultural producers.
Qualifying applicants can receive assistance of up to $15,000 per acre converted, depending on the type of crop conversion and their prior water use history. The District anticipates the types of crop conversions most likely to result from the CropSWAP program to be: avocado to winegrape conversions, citrus to winegrape conversions, and avocado to citrus conversions. However, other types of crop conversions that save water will be considered for funding on a case by case basis.
RCWD received a $1 million grant from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and a $2 million grant from the Department of Water Resources to fund the new crop conversion
The District estimates the total water savings to reach 3,960 acre feet of water over a ten-year period (enough water to serve 7,920 households).
Additional information about the program including a complete list of requirements is available at