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If you would like to write for us, here are the criteria for submitting articles:
1. Since the publication of articles is an added public relations feature for our advertisers, their articles will be given first priority. Other articles will be published on a space available basis.
2. Articles should be submitted as a Word document file.
3. Articles must be business-oriented and pertain to the author’s area of expertise. A photo of the writer is appropriate.
4. All submissions are subject to editing by the publisher.
5. Send completed articles by e-mail.
6. Article and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next issue.
The Valley Business Journal is a California Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the Publisher is prohibited. The publication is published monthly. The opinions and views expressed in these pages are those of the writer or person interviewed and not necessarily those of The Valley Business Journal. The Valley Business Journal hereby expressly limits its liability resulting from any and all misprints, errors and/or inaccuracies any advertisement or editorial may contain, to the credit of the specific advertising payment and/or the running of a corrected advertisement or editorial correction notice.