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Rotary Supports Temecula Valley Students – “Making a Difference”

With the start of a new school year and the end of summer, The Rotary Club of Temecula (noon) starts a new Rotary year under the leadership of President Lisa Locke. Like the students and teachers of our valley, we sharpen our pencils and minds and get busy ‘Making a Difference’ in our community.

The Rotary Club of Temecula supports the connections between Rotary and our youth, shares the vision of a peaceful world through humanitarian service and creates opportunities for our youth to gain access to positive experiences.

Our Rotary Club has provided books to local California Title 1 elementary schools, sponsored 5th grade student field trips to the “Field of Honor” in Murrieta, held local music competitions, sponsored the local Student of the Month awards and provided annual local high school and International student scholarships. As quoted by a recipient of the high school scholarship, “this award and scholarship will have a monumental impact on my future in college.”

Four local schools have an Interact Club that are sponsored by our Rotary Club. Each of these clubs are self-governing and has one of our club members as a liaison. An Interact Club brings together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of ‘Service above Self’. Interact Clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding.

High School juniors will have the opportunity to attend RYLA CAMP (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) and 7th graders the opportunity to attend PRYDE CAMP (Personal Rotary Youth Development Experience).  These camps, that are funded by our Rotary Club and held in Crestline, CA, help our youth obtain leadership skills and participate in an international project during the weekend while educating them that giving back does ‘Make a Difference’ in other lives.

Rotary International Youth Exchange Program allows local families and Rotarians to host a student from another country and while we send one of our local high school students abroad creating an opportunity for a positive international experience. We welcome this year’s international student who is from Africa and will be attending Temecula Valley High School.

Our notebooks will be filled with exciting projects that will benefit both our local and international community. We invite you to come find out more about what we’re doing to make a difference in our community. We meet every Wednesday ,12PM at the Claim Jumper restaurant in Temecula.

In our notebook, we have a message for students and all of us who are Making a Difference. “May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are, and the difference you make.” Come join us and help make a difference.