Since 2013, Azusa Pacific University (APU) Murrieta Regional Center and KATY 101.3, The Mix, have partnered to honor educators who have impacted their student’s lives. Many exceptional teachers representing school districts in Southwest Riverside County have been celebrated through the Teachers are Heroes program.
APU and KATY 101.3 are excited to announce the start of the 2015-16 Teachers are Heroes promotion. Nominations began on September 1st and are taken until the last week of April, 2016. Teachers may be nominated by students, parents, grandparents, and even other school administrators. This program is a special way to celebrate and reward exceptional men and women educators that go above and beyond the call of duty in the classroom.
Each month a nominated teacher will be selected and their class will be surprised with a pizza party from the Temecula Pizza Factory. The winning teacher will also receive other great
prizes from The Mix Prize Closet! At the conclusion of the school year, all selected teachers and their class will be invited to attend a celebration at Lake Elsinore Storm Stadium.
For more information or to nominate a teacher visit:, keyword: Teachers, or go to