The City of Temecula’s Temecula Valley Entrepreneurs Exchange (TVE2) is pleased to announce the following events scheduled for February. Additional event information and registration details can be found at the TVE2 website events calendar
February 10th: TVE2 Pitch Practice. 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Calling all Entrepreneurs – Come and practice your pitch in a fun and friendly environment. Entrepreneurs that pitch will receive feedback from a panel of experts. If you would like to pitch please email Cheryl Kitzerow at to sign up and receive more info. No cost to attend. Register online at
February 11th: TVE2 CEO Storytelling. 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Join us as Peter Thorwarth regales us with stories of mystery shopping, building a large national company, successfully selling his business, and where his next journey has begun! As an entrepreneur, Peter is never satisfied with standing still and is always looking to push the envelope. Register at
February 12th: TVCC Professional Development Series – Fiscal Fitness. 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Put more money in your pockets! Learn about tax mistakes that cost business owners thousands. You will learn tax strategies that every business can use to make their lives tax deductible. Reservations are complimentary for TVCC Members and $20 per class for Non-TVCC Members. RSVP to Brooke Nunn at (951) 676-5090 or
February 18th: IE SBDC Workshop – Get Your Business Online. 9:00 am-11:00 a.m. Businesses that have a website and are on Google Maps want to know: what next? In this workshop, we’ll be giving an overview of online tools that can help businesses grow their web presence, like Google Apps for Work, Google Alerts, Google Analytics, and Google AdWords. Register online at City of Temecula Media Contact: Cheryl Kitzerow, Economic Development Analyst (951) 694-6409.
February 23rd: State of CA Board of Equalization Food Workshop – Restaurants, Drive-Ins, Food Trucks, Food Vendors. 9:30 am-11:00 a.m. Become educated about what foods are taxable and non-taxable, the “80/80 Rule,” and Combo Meals. What’s the law regarding employee meals, gratuities, catering and coupons? Learn about common sales tax errors and sound record keeping at the Food Industry Seminar! Register online at
February 26th: TVCC Professional Development Series – Fiscal Fitness. 9:00 am-11:00 a.m. A road to becoming debt free! Remember, debt isn’t just about borrowing money you don’t have. It’s also about borrowing from your future dreams. Every dollar you spend to pay debt is a dollar you could have used for your future! Presented by Nicole Albrecht, Financial Accounting Services, Inc. Reservations are complimentary for TVCC Members and $20 per class for Non-TVCC Members. RSVP to Brooke Nunn at (951) 676-5090 or