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Higher Education and Making Each Academic Unit Count

When something is important we typically pay greater attention and when it gets to the critically important level we usually “really” pay attention.

When selecting a college to attend the topic of transferability of college units is critically … really … important.

Why, you ask, because it will often determine if the units associated with the academic courses you took (and passed) will actually transfer to another higher education institution, and will the degree you earned allow you to continue to the next academic level.

Specifically, transferring college units from a community college to a four-year college or university, with the goal of earning a bachelor degree, is very important and even critical. Being able to transfer units assures that academic credits will actually transfer when the community college and the university have a formalized transfer guideline. This type of agreement identifies individual courses that transfer from the sending college to the receiving college.

The Azusa Pacific University (APU) Professional Programs Admissions Department recently worked with Janet McCurdy, Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Articulation Officer/Coordinator, to accurately create Transfer Guidelines for the APU Professional Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees in Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Liberal Studies. The Transfer Guidelines clearly identify the MSJC courses that are approved for transfer to the specific APU undergraduate academic programs. MSJC students will work with the MSJC College Counselors to identify the courses that transfer to their desired APU BA degree program.

The week of August 31, students at the APU Murrieta Regional Campus will begin earning BA degrees in Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Liberal Studies. Now is the time to contact the APU Murrieta Regional Campus to see what previously taken college units will transfer into the newly offered academic degrees. We look forward to sharing about these exciting BA degree opportunities.

Written by Vickie Becker, EdD

Vickie Becker, EdD, is the Executive Director for the Azusa Pacific University Murrieta Regional Center. She may be reached at 951.304.3400 or

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