by Tracey Papke
It’s that time of year again! It’s time for yearend reviews, budget meetings and goal setting for next year. It’s also a great time to update your marketing materials. Start with reviewing your current pieces. What works, and more importantly, what doesn’t. Here are some things to take into consideration:
- Clear and Concise: The message in an effective marketing piece should be clear and concise. By keeping it simple, it will be easier for your client to remember you or your product. Pique your potential client’s interest and they will ask for more; bombard them with too much information and they will lose interest.
- Consistent: Keep all aspects of your marketing consistent. Same look, logo and message on everything from your business card to your website, and any printed materials in between. You want your clients to know it’s from you, even at a glance. If you change your logo or your message, then you should make sure to update it on everything. If an old marketing piece is left lingering, it could confuse your client.
- Focus: Marketing pieces should focus on your target market, and figuring out the best way to reach them is key to marketing success. Are you using the right avenues to reach them? Internet marketing and social media are great tools to use, and often times are more effective when combined with printed materials. It is also very important to look at where your potential client will come across your advertising. If you would like to reach business to business, then advertising in a business periodical makes sense, and if you are trying to reach homeowners, then perhaps a series of Every Door Direct Mailers would be the best investment.
Taking the time to update your marketing on a regular basis will pay off in the long run. Whether you choose to review monthly, quarterly or annually, partnering with a graphic designer or local printer help streamline your efforts and show a quicker return on your investment. They will work with you to keep it clear, consistent and focused!
Tracey Papke is the owner of Potamus Press, a commercial print shop that specializes in offset and digital printing. For more information please visit or call (951)693-2136