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Small Business Seminar: QuickBooks for Beginners

Financial management is a key factor in operating a successful business. To help new and existing business owners, the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center is offering an introductory seminar covering the QuickBooks Accounting Software on Thursday, Feb. 19.

Presented by a QuickBooks ProAdvisor, the “QuickBooks for Beginners” seminar will demonstrate software functions useful for the daily operations of a small business and will cover the following key topics: Navigating the QuickBooks Software, Organizing the Chart of Accounts, Computerizing Balance & Income Sheets, and Managing Vendor & Customer Invoices.


This seminar will be held from 9 a.m. – Noon at the Temecula Valley Entrepreneur’s Exchange, 43200 Business Park Drive in Temecula. This free seminar is sponsored by the City of Temecula. Pre-registration is strongly recommended, as seating is limited. Register online at, and call (951) 781-2345 for more information about this event.


The Inland Empire Small Business Development Center is hosted by the California State University, San Bernardino University Enterprises Corporation. The Center is partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the California State University, Fullerton, Tri-County Lead SBDC. All of the SBDC programs and services are offered on a non-discriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made.