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Make Working from Home a Better Experience

tedSaulby Ted Saul


Whether you work from home running your own business or as remote teleworker, you want to make the best use of your time. Distractions that take your mind off of your tasks come easy when you are by yourself. Here are a few steps to enhance your work environment along with your work habits.


Start by organizing your workspace properly. Experts recommend that your desk or work table face the door. This not only helps you greet visitors properly but also keeps them from coming up behind you and breaking your concentration. Arrange your office so that it is well lit making use of natural light whenever possible. Position your most used office tools within easy reach while keeping the desk clear of non-essentials. Eliminate the unwanted clutter as well.


Speaking of tools, ensure you have the right ones for the job. If the majority of your work takes place on the computer install the highest speed internet access possible. It’ll speed up those up and down loads. Consider battery backup if a sudden outage would be detrimental to your business. A dedicated phone line is essential. Using a home phone is not only unprofessional but may interfere with your family. If cost is an issue, consider a voice over IP solution which tends to be less inexpensive while providing many features needed for a business. Don’t forget the webcam as video conferencing becomes more common.


Security is still critical. Even though you are at home, lock cabinets, files and doors just as you would at the business office. Encrypt files so even if they are stolen, they will not be readable. Backup data and store in the appropriate onsite and offsite locations. Invest in a fire proof safe to protect those irreplaceable hard copies.


If the business never requires you to leave the home office, consider changing your routine to stimulate thinking and learning. Take a lunch where you can take time to catch up on reading or studying without interruption. For a quieter atmosphere consider the public library where you’ll find comfortable chairs and tables to layout work. Either provides a change of scenery that can help you solve problems and come up with solutions.   As a side note, if working from home really isn’t for you, consider renting small office space at a co-working location.


Finally, reward yourself by investing in the environment where most of the day is spent. For example, a few well place plants along with photos can help brighten the dullest of rooms. Paint the walls a comfortable color and be sure your table or desk is working for you along with a comfortable chair made for long periods of work. For inspiration, write down goals and display them in location you see every day.


There are many benefits to working from home including the ability to be your own interior decorator. Take advantage of it.


Ted Saul provides business consulting that assists startup and small businesses with organizational and planning needs. Ted holds an MBA from Regis University out of Denver, Colorado and can be reached at, teds787 on Twitter and on LinkedIn. He has also been working from home for over 10 years.