I get the question, “Who is the Southern California Chapter and what do they do?” quite often and understandably so being one of the newer kids on the block. I’ve found that by sharing our mission statement it paints a clearer picture of who we are and then I can move on to the what we do part which is where my passion kicks in. But first here is who we are:
The Southern California Chapter will provide pathways for success connecting individuals with spinal cord injuries or spinal disorders with resources for employment training, accessible affordable housing, accessible public transportation, peer support and socialization, and issues related to health and wellness. The Southern California Chapter membership is open to individuals, family, friends affected by disability and those who advocate on their behalf.
Our project Reinventing Life: A Journey to Independence is how we will accomplish this. It takes the person with a new spinal cord injury or diagnosis from that phase where their life has suddenly been turned upside down, through the many steps leading to true independence, being gainfully employed, living on their own and back into the swing of real life. I’ve been there though it was many years ago, I had to figure it out on my own because there was no program to help guide me through it. We’re here to mentor those that need help along this journey, because realizing that you’re not alone during this time is so important to getting back on track with life. We don’t forget or disregard the family and friends, they need not be kept in the dark and require a bit of guidance and support as well.
Our project is pretty comprehensive, taking into consideration most if not all aspects of the rehabilitation process. To fund this project, we are looking at multiple sources such as grants, corporate sponsors, small to mid-size businesses, individual donations and a bit of fundraising.
You can visit our website, http://www.scchapter.org/ to find out more about our project and overall mission. I can be reached at 951-775-2561 or scchapter2013@gmail.com and look forward to sharing more of our story with you.
The Southern California Chapter is a 501(c)(3) organization.