I can sum up my business philosophy in two words: BE BOLD. When you’re passionate about what you do, why hold back? Never let fear stop you. I set my goals high and have complete confidence in my ability to achieve them. I’m a firm believer in the adage what goes around, comes around. If I want to receive ethical, honest, and top-quality service from others, I must make sure I give that same type of service.
The key concept that has guided me throughout my 40-year career in wellness care is that the human body has the innate ability to heal itself. My job as a health care professional is to eliminate any interference that may be blocking that ability. That’s the reason I developed the Bioenergy Technique and opened the Temecula Wellness Center. Our bodies are always striving to reach their highest level of well-being and there are scientifically proven methods and techniques that can be used to help allow them to do just that – without drugs and surgery.
• CMT, Certified Massage Therapist
• Diplomate, College of Energy Medicine
• Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), Logan College 1974
• Founder and president, World Chiropractic Alliance
• Founder and publisher emeritus, The Chiropractic Journal
• Founder and publisher emeritus, Journal of
Vertebral Subluxation Research
• Served on Department of Defense Chiropractic Advisory Committee, 2005
• Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine
• Member of the Board, American Association of Integrative Medicine
• Member of the board of directors, Council on
Chiropractic Practice
• Author of “Chiropractic First,” “Under the Influence of Modern Medicine,” “Chiropractic Compassion and Expectation,” & “The Evolution of Chiropractic.”
Since I began my career, my primary goal has been to bring natural, safe, and affordable health care to as many people as possible. Even after retiring from the chiropractic profession, I held fast to that same goal, doing extensive research into energy medicine, holistic wellness care, advanced massage therapy, the field of bioenergetics, nutrition, and related disciplines. No longer practicing chiropractic, I opened the Temecula Wellness Center to offer cutting-edge, scientifically valid wellness care to residents in this area. My ultimate goal is to offer the same high level of care to people throughout the country.
The Prophet by Kahil Gabran and The Art of Living by Epictetus.
I love Yoga but any activities that involve my two daughters and my grandchildren are tops on my list. They bring me more joy than anything else in life. Also, since Temecula has such a rich and vibrant combination of natural beauty, culture, history, and social activity, I spend a lot of my free time exploring the local area with my fiancé, who shares my passion for wellness.
I can sum up my business philosophy in two words: BE BOLD. When you’re passionate about what you do, why hold back? Never let fear stop you. I set my goals high and have complete confidence in my ability to achieve them. I’m a firm believer in the adage what goes around, comes around. If I want to receive ethical, honest, and top-quality service from others, I must make sure I give that same type of service.
The key concept that has guided me throughout my 40-year career in wellness care is that the human body has the innate ability to heal itself. My job as a health care professional is to eliminate any interference that may be blocking that ability. That’s the reason I developed the Bioenergy Technique and opened the Temecula Wellness Center. Our bodies are always striving to reach their highest level of well-being and there are scientifically proven methods and techniques that can be used to help allow them to do just that – without drugs and surgery.
•CMT, Certified Massage Therapist
•Diplomate, College of Energy Medicine
• Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), Logan College 1974
•Founder and president, World Chiropractic
•Founder and publisher emeritus, The Chiropractic Journal
•Founder and publisher emeritus, Journal of
Vertebral Subluxation Research
•Served on Department of Defense Chiropractic Advisory Committee, 2005
•Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine
•Member of the Board, American Association of Integrative Medicine
•Member of the board of directors, Council on
Chiropractic Practice
•Author of “Chiropractic First,” “Under the Influence of Modern Medicine,” “Chiropractic Compassion and Expectation,” & “The Evolution of Chiropractic.”
Since I began my career, my primary goal has been to bring natural, safe, and affordable health care to as many people as possible. Even after retiring from the chiropractic profession, I held fast to that same goal, doing extensive research into energy medicine, holistic wellness care, advanced massage therapy, the field of bioenergetics, nutrition, and related disciplines. No longer practicing chiropractic, I opened the Temecula Wellness Center to offer cutting-edge, scientifically valid wellness care to residents in this area. My
ultimate goal is to offer the same high level of care to people throughout the country.
The Prophet by Kahil Gabran and The Art of Living by Epictetus.
I love Yoga but any activities that involve my two daughters and my grandchildren are tops on my list. They bring me more joy than anything else in life. Also, since Temecula has such a rich and vibrant combination of natural beauty, culture, history, and social activity, I spend a lot of my free time exploring the local area with my fiancé, who shares my passion for wellness.
Health means more than the absence of symptoms. It means living life to the fullest…
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.