by Dr. Aimee Warren
Last month, I wrote an article for the Valley Business Journal that stirred up a lot of conversation. I wrote about my frustration with our current medical system, government, and insurance companies that try to control the way I practice medicine. I also wrote how the business of medicine makes it extremely difficult for solo doctors to survive in the current marketplace. The solo doctor entrepreneur is a dying breed.
However, the impetus for writing the article was not my white flag of surrender. On the contrary, it was my way of “going to the mattresses” (I only know that saying from the movie You’ve Got Mail – it was originally from The Godfather as a phrase meaning go to war). Sharing my challenges through my writing was therapeutic for me and strengthened my resolve. Furthermore, I hoped it would inspire our community to support local businesses that are worth supporting. In our world of fast food and 8 minute doctor visits, we can become complacent with the status quo. In my practice, however, we are seeing more and more patients come to us because they are in search of something more — healthcare delivery that encompasses more than prescription drugs and rushed office visits.
My practice, Kairin Clinic, has been an epic labor, but a labor of love. I absolutely love what I do, I believe in our mission and I am passionate about what I do. We have an amazing team of like-minded big-hearted professionals who are also committed to our vision. Our enduring mission is to provide the highest quality integrative medical care which encompasses mind, body, spirit, and community.
At home, I have a framed picture of a Winston Churchill quote that reads, “Never, never, never give up”. As simple as it is, this quote has inspired me many times throughout my life. As I was paying my own way through college, then medical school, there were many times when I felt overwhelmed and over my head in debt. There are many times I wanted to quit, however, I felt strong in my purpose and I pushed through. The same holds true today. Good ‘ole Winston continues to inspire me and I will endeavor to keep moving forward.
I will continue practicing medicine the way I feel is true and best and will continue to do my best every day in helping others live more full and healthy lives. Be Well!
Dr. Aimee Warren