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Choosing the Right Home Care Service Provider

 Part 2 of 2


When the need arises for yourself or a loved one to seek professional hospice care, many options are available. According to Sharon Beattie, Director of Hospice Operations at Visiting Nurse Association California (VNA California), there are numerous things to consider when choosing a provider. Beattie says that along with making sure the agency has an excellent reputation and is Medicare certified, state licensed and accredited, it is essential that they are committed to ensuring quality and dignity at the end of life.


Beattie says VNA California advises patients and their families to participate in mapping out their own Plan of Care. She says every detail is considered when helping hospice patients feel as comfortable, pain free and alert as possible, while maintaining their respect, dignity and privacy.


During these difficult times, Hospice nurses become a valuable resource, not only for professional and gentle care, but also for helping guide patients and their families through the end-of-life process.


Access is important notes Beattie. VNA California Hospice can take referrals 24/7. All it takes is one call to initiate the process.


Beattie believes another important mark of a quality hospice care provider is the unique team that supports each patient. Volunteers are an essential part of each VNA California team. That can include pet therapy dogs who become a welcome distraction to many patients.


A big part of VNA California’s service to the community is its commitment to giving back. VNA provides numerous informational programs and services for the public on important health-related topics. It also hosts educational programs for medical professionals and offers a variety of programs that benefit children and adults in the areas of grief support and bereavement.


One such program reaches out to grieving children and teens through VNA California’s nationally-acclaimed Mourning Star Centers. Adult bereavement sessions through VNA Hospice are provided as a service to families, caregivers and those who have experienced a loss, and open to the public.


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