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Better Balance, Greater Flexibility, Less Pain – and it’s FUN!!!

by Bob Mericle

This month one patient shares his experience with OsteoStrong in his own humorous yet effective way.

I am a patient of Dr. Derek Albrecht who has been maintaining my back health for many years. In September of 2014 he told me about a new program that he was instituting that might advance progress in my pain management. It would also improve my general physical condition. The program is called OsteoStrong. It uses a simple apparatus that measures resistance when the patient does four simple exercises. Combined with the use of a vibrating platform you can build strength, bone density, and maximize your flexibility. Besides, the first session was free!

Now I am a skeptic, and I am reluctant to spend money that isn’t for fun, food or drink consumption and travel. I reluctantly agreed to give it a try, and my wife and I started the program last October. After all it was only about 1/2 hour each week (including my cup of coffee), and it would break the monotony of my gym routine. I started out on the Whole Body Vibration platform and I did two minutes of simple stretching to stimulate muscles and nerves in preparation for the bioDensity™ Machine. I pushed against that “jungle gym looking thing” with my arms for five seconds as it measured my arm strength. Then I repeated with the legs, did a five second crunch and finished off with another five second lift. It was unexpectedly fun! You get a computer readout measuring the results in pounds moved. A copy of this is emailed or given to you so you can track your progress through the program.

“I can do this” I shouted (to my embarrassment) and knew right then that I would sign up. Now, as I said, I’m a bit thrifty, but as I understood the program and weighed the potential benefits I decided that it was an investment and not a burden. That has proven to be true in many ways. Not eating out with my wife a couple times a month is well worth it for both of us. After a few sessions I was shocked at how much my performance had improved. As I said “I’m skeptical of most things” but as I progressed with the program I noticed some changes. I could actually do squats for the first time in many, many years. I could bend and almost touch my toes, I could walk farther without pain and I could actually balance on one foot.

Something very good is taking place in my life. I have lost weight, regained flexibility and have agility return that I hadn’t experienced in 25 years. Oh! I forgot to mention that I am a 79 year old man with diabetes, managed high blood pressure and overweight. I am resistant to changing almost everything but I have to share that I feel better than I have in years. Little in my life has taken place to account for my improved well-being except the time I have invested in the OsteoStrong program. If that sounds like an endorsement, well, it is!

As I visit the doctor’s office I see all ages, shapes, sizes and degrees of general health who seem to be benefitting from participation in this program. You are never too young or old to start investing in better health.

OsteoStrong’s next Geri-Fit® classes with Lisa Harris begins October 20. Geri-Fit® is a 45-minute evidence-based strength training exercise program that’s designed to build back strength that’s been lost through the aging process. Additional benefits; fall prevention, balance training, flexibility and range of motion.