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Learn How to Handle Every Day Stress

St. John’s University to Offer Free Workshop

We are learning to put our inner mind to work for us to be free from smoking, manage our weight, give birth more comfortably, and even sleep better at night. And since stress seems to be a part of everyday life, we can also learn simple and easy ways to manage that stress in just a few seconds.

St. John’s University will offer a free workshop on “Easy Ways to Handle Every Day Stress”.  Stress can interfere with work productivity, clarity of thought, attention span and memory. Stress can also interfere with our ability to be rested while we sleep.

Located across from the Grace Mellman library on County Center Drive, S.J.U. has offered since 1970 comprehensive Certification and graduate level degree programs in Clinical Hypnotherapy through distance learning.

We accept the fact that ‘we are what we eat’, but we now realize also that ‘we are what we think’.  Dr. Pamela Winkler, President of S.J.U. since 1995, is Director of the S.J.U. Counseling Services. She stated, “We work with clients who are dealing with personal issues such as PTSD, depression, chronic pain, sleep apnea, insomnia, migraine headaches, asthma, phobias, memory loss, obesity, diabetes, alcoholism, and drug addiction.”

The Mayo Clinic, considered to be the most highly respected hospital in the United States, has included for many years hypnosis and hypnotherapy in every department of patient care, including obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics as well as treatment of addictions.

We have added a few new addictions to our traditional ones of smoking and gambling, to include video gaming, pornography, day-trading, ‘vaping’ with e-cigarettes, and over medicating with prescription drugs.  Also of concern to employers is employee absenteeism, whether it is the employee often in a daze at his desk or the gal who takes more than her fair share of sick days.

According to AARP, abundant research reveals a clear link between stress and disease, even catching more colds and flu, weight gain, and slower healing. If every day stress is getting the best of us, it may explain the increase of more people suffering with chronic pain, sleep disorders, a weakened immune system, and possibly the recent increase in pancreatic cancer.

David Agers, M.D. wrote in his recently published book, The Lucky Years, that science is learning how to wake up stem cells that function as though they are asleep, resulting in the body becoming convinced that it is getting younger. Scientists have known for years that our bodies naturally replace about 3 million cells every minute with fresh, brand new cells. In less than 11 months, we have replaced our entire body.

“If the inner mind were to reinforce this natural replacement process with thoughts of vigor and vitality, I believe we could counter the growing trend of dementia and Alzheimer’s”, stated Dr. Winkler. “As our community of seniors increase in number, it makes sense to focus more research on how the subconscious mind can slow down the aging process and possibly reverse it. The ultimate key to reversing premature aging may be guiding the mind to first heal the mind, and the body naturally benefits with improved health for longer periods of time.”

To learn more about the power of the inner mind for healing and to register for S.J.U.’s free workshop on stress management, call 951-599-7550.  Workshop dates and locations to be provided.

For more information about S.J.U.’s 3-tiered distance learning Certification program and graduate level degree programs in Clinical Hypnotherapy, visit

To schedule an appointment at S.J.U. Counseling Services, located at 40945 County Center Drive, Suite H, Temecula, CA 92591, call 951-599-7550.

Written by Pamela Winkler

Pamela Winkler, Ph.D. is an Educational Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and has served as President of St. John’s University since 1995. She is a motivational speaker on the topic of self-empowerment and was inducted into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame in 1992.

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