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St. John’s University Offers Free Workshop “You Can Breathe Better Now!”

St. John’s University will offer the fourth in a series of free community workshops, “You Can Breathe Better Now!” If we are not directly experiencing this debilitating problem, we probably know someone who is.

The workshop will be held Saturday, August 20th at St. John’s University, located at 40945 County Center Drive, Suite H, in Temecula across from the Grace Mellman library.

We can harness our inner mind to manage stress, be free from the smoking habit, and sleep better at night. We can also use our inner minds to resolve whatever is causing us to have an issue with our breathing. Not being able to breath normally may be a result of asthma, or even stress, including panic attacks.

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, more than 25 million Americans have asthma. The mind-body link between stress and breathing problems is starting to be better understood. How well we manage stress can directly affect how easily we are breathing.

Dr. Pamela Winkler, Director of the S.J.U. Counseling Services stated, “Our clients have a high success rate with improved breathing because it is easy to learn how to reduce stress with the subconscious mind. People are amazed at how easily they can lower their emotional stress and how quickly they can breathe more easily.”

“We know the inner mind can resolve the root cause of anxiety, depression and panic attacks.” stated Dr. Winkler.

“The inner mind can also resolve what is triggering these feelings. This ability to maintain pour peace of mind puts us back in control of our sense of well-being. Being able to breath easily is central to feeling safe and secure.”

The mind-body connection is so intertwined, that once the mind begins to heal the mind, the mind automatically begins to heal the body. When we have peace of mind, we also can have a peaceful and healthier body, a body that is able to breathe better.

This workshop will include easy techniques anyone can do in order to breathe better immediately.  There is a clear connection between our breathing and the subconscious mind, which actually controls our ability to breathe. There is a level of mind that is in charge of keeping us breathing, even while we are sleeping. We can harness that power to breathe better.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 40 million Americans currently smoke cigarettes, accounting for 480,000 deaths yearly or 1 out of every 5 deaths.

“I have hypnotized hundreds of smokers who are now non-smokers,” stated Dr. Winkler. “It doesn’t seem to matter how long someone has smoked, or even how much someone smokes. All that really seems to matter to be free from smoking, is how ready a person is to quit. Then usually one Hypnotherapy session can free them forever from the smoking habit. The inner mind is that powerful.”

To register for Dr. Winkler’s August 20th workshop, “You Can Breathe Better Now!” call 951-599-7550.  Seating is limited. Early registration is suggested.

S.J.U. is currently registering new students for the fall semester. Therapists, counselors, medical practitioners, and others can add the professional tool of Clinical Hypnotherapy, and help clients and patients live a healthier and happier life.

For more information about S.J.U.’s 3-tiered distance learning Certification program and graduate level degree programs in Clinical Hypnotherapy, visit

To schedule a private appointment at S.J.U. Counseling Services, located at 40945 County Center Drive, Suite H, Temecula, CA 92591, call 951-599-7550.

Written by Pamela Winkler

Pamela Winkler, Ph.D. is an Educational Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and has served as President of St. John’s University since 1995. She is a motivational speaker on the topic of self-empowerment and was inducted into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame in 1992.

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